martes, 15 de mayo de 2012




        The term ecology refers to all the organisms in a given place in interaction with their nonliving environment (Forman, 1995: 19; Forman & Godron, 1986: 9)(2,3). Landscape studies suggest that there is a limit in the variety of habitats available for organisms (Forman, 1995: 21)(2).
        Ecological context is much more complex than an organism and its accurate indicators are rarely available (Freedman et al., 1995: 69)(4).
        Structure, metabolism and biogeochemistry of ecosystems (Es) are exceedingly complex (Likens, 1995: 381)(8) and Es response to environmental variability is a complex product of coevolution.
        Simple components of an E are considered to be deterministic in their cause and effect relationships. However, the behavior of Es is affected by sources of variation beyond our ability to understand their
complexity (Moir & Mowrer, 1995: 240)(9). Understanding of Es is weak and prediction of cause-effect relationship in Es is very imprecise (Woodley & Forbes, 1995: 55)(10).
        Terms relative to the protection of Es, like preservation, 
conservation, restoration, mitigation, and sustainability, which are becoming popularized, are often confused (Likens, 1995: 13)(8). The definition of "sustain" is not simple although efforts have been made to clarify the word by the context in which it is used (Moir & Mowrer, 1995: 240)(9).  Sustainability of Es is complex since many properties of Es are still abstract (Gauthier & Patino, 1995: 540)(5).
        In the management of Es, taxonomic units may be arbitrary and Es boundaries are usually highly subjective: frequently they lack adequate definition and/or depend on context. Institutional boundaries differ from ecological ones and different management agencies vary in mandate, policies, responsibilities or jurisdictions generating the need of joint decision making (Anderson, 1995: 46; Woodley & Forbes, 1995: 54-55)(1, 10)       Managing Es in the sense of full control is not possible. The complexity of natural Es defies the establishment of an absolute experimental control (Likens, 1985: 382; Woodley & Forbes, 1995:55)(7, 10).


1. ANDERSON,J G T(1995) «Ecosystem Ecology and Conservation Biology: A Critique», In: T B Herman et al.(Eds)(1995) pp. 45-49.
2. FORMAN, R T & M GODRON(1986) Landscape Ecology, New York, Wiley.
3. FORMAN, R T T(1995) Land Mosaics. The Ecology of Landscapes and Regions, Cambridge, CUP.
4. FREEDMAN,B et al.(1995) «Ecological Monitoring and Research in Greater Ecological Reserves», In: T B Herman et al.(Eds)(1995) pp. 68-80.
5. GAUTHIER,D A & L PATINO(1995) «Protected Area Planning in Fragmented Data Poor Regions», In: T B Herman et al.(Eds)(1995) pp. 537-547.
6. HERMAN, T B et al.(Eds)(1995) Ecosystem Monitoring and Protected Areas, Wolfville, SAMPAA.
7. LIKENS G E(1985) «An Experimental Approach For the Study of Ecosystems», Jour. of Ecol.73, 381-396.
8. LIKENS,G E(1995) «Sustainable Ecological Research and the Protection of Ecosystems», In: T B Herman et al.(Eds)(1995), pp. 13-21.
9. MOIR,W H & H T MOWRER(1995), «Unsustainability», For.Ecol.and Mgment.73, 239-248.
10. WOODLEY,S & G FORBES(1995) «Ecosystem Management and Protected Areas: Principles, Problems and Practices», In: T B Herman et al.(Eds)(1995), pp. 50-58.
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        Royal Geographic Society

    Putting It Together
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        In many cases, a predicate of adaptive environmental assessment and management (AEAM) has been a search for flexibility in management institutions, or for resilience in the ecological system prior to structuring actions that are designed for learning. Many of the observed impediments to AEAM occur when there is little or no resilience in the ecological components (e.g., when there is fear of an ecosystem shift to an unwanted stability domain), or when there is a lack of flexibility in the extant power relationships among stakeholders. In these cases, a pragmatic solution is to seek to restore resilience or flexibility rather than to pursue a course of broad-scale, active adaptive management. Restoration of resilience and flexibility may occur through novel assessments or small-scale experiments, or it may occur when an unforeseen policy crisis allows for reformation or restructuring of power relationships among stakeholders.

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    1st International Conference

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Other References
    2.  Protected Areas
    6.  Conservation Ecology  
   10. Traditional Ecological Knowledge Concepts and Cases
   12. Die off
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    A Report for the IHDP by Carl Folke, Lowell Pritchard Jr.,  Fikret Berkes, Johan Colding, and  Uno Svedin May 1998 , © by the authors

    Published by the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP), Walter-Flex-Str. 3, 5113 Bonn, Germany.  E-mail:, Web: The Working Papers are an IHDP publications series to draw attention to emerging issues in the field of Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change. The Papers represent preliminary material circulated to stimulate discussion and comments. These represents the view(s) of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IHDP nor its sponsors ICSU and ISSC.
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  As countries attempt to close two weeks of talks today, the atmosphere in Copenhagen has reached a level of tension difficult to explain to those not here. You’ve seen some of the headlines by now. The initial sticking points remain the same, such as China and the United States finding common ground -- or failing to. The outcome is still unknown.
John Anthony (sent to Ricardo Luis Plaul
Communications Director, Energy & Climate
Sent to Emilia Mª Trevisi Foundation by Ricardo Luis Plaul, Argentina.



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