Almost one-in-10 primary schools
in UK could be closed or taken over amid growing concerns
over “chronic” under-performance in English and maths, according
to official league tables published today.
British Schools curricula (compare Spanish school´s
The latest primary school league tables show children's test performance in
English and maths taken in the final year of primary school in England.
(Video) Brilliant!
Structure in School Ohio
University of Viterbo
Annual Institute:
Educational and Legal Issues of Educating Children with Emotional and Behavioral
Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies
Gregory Martin
1.Critical Pedagogy as Community Praxis , by
Gregory Martin Dave Hill
2.Global Neo-Liberalism, the Deformation of Education and Resistance
Jane Mulderrig
1.Critical Pedagogy as Community Praxis , by
Gregory Martin Dave Hill
2.Global Neo-Liberalism, the Deformation of Education and Resistance
Jane Mulderrig
4. Participation and Education in the Landless People’s Movement of Brazil
Georgios Grollios Ioannis Kaskaris
5. From socialist - democratic to “Third Way” politics and rhetoric in Greek
education (1997 - 2002) Joel Kivirauma Risto Rinne Piia Seppänen
4. Participation and Education in the Landless People’s Movement of Brazil
Georgios Grollios Ioannis Kaskaris
5. From socialist - democratic to “Third Way” politics and rhetoric in Greek
education (1997 - 2002) Joel Kivirauma Risto Rinne Piia Seppänen
Globalisation and Learning
H.E. Msgr. Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
Casina Pio IV / V-00120 Vatican City, E-mail:
Shaking up education
No place for a child
less for Britain's allegedly unhappy children might be
the best policy, The Economist,
Dec 13th 2007
Exploring the universe of knowledge
Society / Nature / People / Science / History
Les objectifs
AKAMASOA ( « les bons amis ») est une
association humanitaire malgache qui a été créée par le Père Pedro OPEKA en
Elle a pour but
d’assurer la réhabilitation humaine et la réinsertion économique et sociale des
plus pauvres.
Art & Architecture
Leon Battista Alberti and
the Arts in Florence between Reason and Beauty
(In Italian:
Phenomenology Newsletter
“On the Hither Side of Depth”: An
Architectural Pedagogy of Engagement, by Rachel
McCann (2005)
The Puget Sound Commercial Geoduck Industry as an Example,
by Marion Dumon (spring 2005)
to Place,
by Bruce Janz
(fall 2004)
Implications of Malpas' Place and Experience for Place Ethics and
by John I. Cameron
(winter 2004)
Intimate Immensity
in the Preschool Playroom: A Topo-analysis of
Children’s Play, Rodney Teague
[...] Bachelard’s conception of space is
very different from the way people typically think of space. He interrogates
space not as mathematical, geometric, scientific, infinite or empty, but
rather as imaginal and poetic. He describes his method as a “recourse to the
phenomenology of the imagination... understood as a study of the phenomenon of
the poetic image when it emerges into the consciousness as a direct product of
the heart, soul and being of [the person]” [...]
Inside and Outside in Wright's Fallingwater and Aalto's Villa Mairea,
by Enku Mulugeta Assefa
(spring 2003)
The philosopher Karsten Harries writes that
a key task of architecture is “interpreting the world as a meaningful order in
which the individual can find his place in the midst of nature and in the midst
of a community” (Harries 1993, p. 51). Harries argues that, too often,
buildings don’t respond to the needs of human dwelling because they are made
arbitrarily instead of being let to arise out of the real-world requirements of
particular people, places and landscapes.
(Ambrogio Bondone, detto) 1267 - 1337
Giotto has become the symbol of a profound
renewal in the history of Western figurative arts, and of the first radical
renewal since ancient Greece.
"He converted the art of painting from Greek to Latin and brought in the modern
era" - this is Cennino Cennini's synthesis fifty years after Giotto's death,
underscoring the revolutionary character of Giotto's painting.
Duomo of Florence
Assisi, Upper Basilica - Basilica Superiore
A Phenomenology of Commuting by Bicycle, by Lin Wong
In developing this phenomenology of cycling,
I draw on my 20-minute bike commute between my home and the University of
Toronto’s main library. I supplement my firsthand experiences with commentary
from several popular accounts of cycling in general and urban cycling in
particular. Phenomenology recognizes that the lived meaning of the environment
reveals itself within a holistic context of understanding (Stefanovic 2000, p.
69). As such, I realize that my past experiences as a bike courier influence and
enhance my commuting experience on the same streets that I once rode for my work.
All about the Holy See
L´Osservatore Romano
Weekly Edition in English 6 May 2009
[...] Of
the Protocols themselves little need be said in the way of introduction.
The book in which they are embodied was first published in the year 1897 by
Philip Stepanov for private circulation among his intimate friends. The first
time Nilus published them was in 1901 in a book called
The Great Within the Small and
reprinted in 1905. A copy of this is in the British Museum bearing the date of
its reception, August 10, 1906. All copies that were known to exist in Russia
were destroyed in the Kerensky regime, and under his successors the possession
of a copy by anyone in Soviet land was a crime sufficient to ensure the owner's
of being shot on sight [...]
When an international mass circulation magazine
like The Reader's Digest decides to run an article on the documents generally
known as The Protocols, in which Eric Butler and The League of Rights are
critically mentioned, there must be a purpose. About the same time as The
Reader's Digest article, which basically regurgitates the view that these
documents are either a forgery or a fabrication, the Oxford University Press
released a publication, The Right Road, by Dr. Andrew Moore, senior lecturer in
Australian history at the University of Western Sydney.
Introduction to 'The (Digital) Cultural Industry', by Geoff Cox, Joasia Krysa &
Anya Lewin
The interaction between culture and economy was famously explored by
Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer by the term ‘Kulturindustrie’ (The Culture
Industry) to describe the production of mass culture and power relations between
capitalist producers and mass consumers (1997 [1947])
This events noticeboard is for announcements about events, conferences, etc that
may be of general interest to the companies working on the Science Park. To add
your event, send the details to
Philosophy (See
In The Aesthetics of Decay,
Dylan Trigg confronts the remnants from the fallout of post-industrialism and
postmodernism. Through a considered analysis of memory, place, and nostalgia,
Trigg argues that the decline of reason enables a critique of progress to
emerge. In this ambitious work, Trigg aims to reassess the direction of progress
by situating it in a spatial context. In doing so, he applies his critique of
rationality to modern ruins. The derelict factory, abandoned asylum, and urban
alleyway all become allies in Trigg's attack on a fixed image of temporality and
progress. The Aesthetics of Decay offers a model of post-rational aesthetics in
which spatial order is challenged by an affirmative ethics of ruin.
and the sublime Pleasure of Tragedy,
by Dylan Trigg
Volume 28, Number 1, April 2004, E-ISSN: 1086-329X Print ISSN: 0190-0013
DOI: 10.1353/phl.2004.0018
More about Trigg:
"Furniture Music, Hotel Lobbies, and Banality: Can we Speak of a Disinterested Space?" in Space and Culture, Vol. 9: Issue 4, 2006
"From the Divine to the Dissolute: Schopenhauer and Death in Venice" in Consciousness, Literature and the Arts, Vol. 5: Issue, 1, 2004
EDRA Conference Intensive, Veracruz,
Mexico, 28 May 2008, by Robert
is a licensed architect in California; a design
instructor at Lawrence Technical University in Southfield, Michigan; and a
doctoral student at the University of Michigan’s Taubman College of
Architecture and Urban Planning. Over 16 years beginning in 1988, he studied
and worked with architect Christopher Alexander on an intermittent basis,
first carpentering on an Alexander-designed house; then earning a masters
degree from Berkeley in 1992; and, last, working as an architect in
Alexander’s office.
Empirical Findings from The Nature of Order, by
Christopher Alexander
Architect, scientist, and writer Christopher Alexander is one of the most remarkable thinkers and makers of our time. His many books include A Pattern Language (1977), The Timeless Way of Building (1979), and A Foreshadowing of Twenty-First Century Art: The Color and Geometry of Very Early Turkish Carpets (1993). This essay is his recent effort to distill the major discoveries in his masterful four-volume The Nature of Order (2002-2005), published by the Center for Environmental Structure in Berkeley, CA.
Congo, DR: The
Inga hydropower project, a betrayal of social promises
WWF for a living planet!
The La Plata basin is the 2nd largest river basin in South America.
Location The Rio de la Plata crosses 5 countries: Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina,
Uruguay, and Bolivia. The river basin has 3 main tributaries, the Paraná, the
Paraguay and the Uruguay Rivers.
Theses and Dissertations
are available for viewing from the HWR Library to HWR students, staff, and
faculty, with exchange of CAT card for viewing privileges
nowhere fast: top rivers face mounting threats
Many Major Rivers in Danger of Drying Out - WWF Story by Douwe
WWF says pollution, dams threaten rivers
By Eliane Engeler, Associated Press Writer
Protected Areas as
Constructed Organizations, by H
J E Penna (See
Protected Areas) Faculty of Economic Sciences/Universidad de Buenos Aires,
Cordoba 2122/C1120 BUENOS AIRES AAQ/ARGENTINA. Mailing address: Espinosa 1963/C1416 BUENOS AIRES CEQ/ARGENTINA,
political organization effectively exists to give the whole globe visibility,
for unlike nation-states the earth has no external enemy. (164)". "The region,
[...] is far too large to be known directly […] (159) […] "Regions, to the
extent that they lack a solid political base, lack visibility" (163) (Tuan 1975)
Commentary, by
Timothy Garton Ash. (See
brings hard choices over the future of capitalism.
The Third World at Home, By Noam Chomsky (1993) (See Economy)
The Third World at Home, By Noam Chomsky (1993) (See Economy)
Studies of public opinion bring
out other strands. A June 1992 Gallup poll found that 75% of the population do
not expect life to improve for the next generation of Americans--not too
surprising, given that real wages have been dropping for 20 years, with an
accelerated decline under Reaganite
"conservatism," which also managed to extend the cloud over the college-educated.
The 3rd world view: 09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 (See Economy)
The 3rd world view: 09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 (See Economy)
By Joseph E. Stiglit, a Nobel
laureate in economics, is Professor of Economics at Columbia
University and was Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers ...
A series of
international meetings and seminars held in Latin America and elsewhere in
1990-1991 indicate a common evaluation of the nature of Latin America's crisis,
its dominant tendencies and counter-tendencies, and a constellation of
surprisingly coinciding alternatives. All this takes place at a historical
moment dominated by the crisis of model and theory as well as of an alternative
vision of society and history itself.
Si terrà a Firenze, dal 26 al 30
maggio, il Convegno internazionale di studi “Il caso Galileo. Una rilettura
storica, filosofica, teologica”, organizzato dall’Istituto Stensen dei gesuiti
di Firenze. L’inaugurazione – è stato annunciato oggi durante la conferenza
stampa di presentazione delle iniziative della Santa Sede per l’Anno
dell’astronomia - si svolgerà il 26 maggio nella basilica di Santa Croce, dove
si trova la tomba di Galileo.
Past events
Conferences, Papers & Courses)
Parks for Tomorrow 2008 - Conference on Parks and Protected Areas
May 8-13 2008 in Calgary, Alberta Canada
Call for papersThe Departments for Geography, History, and the Faculty of Environmental Design at the University of Calgary are pleased to invite paper proposals for "Canadian Parks for Tomorrow 2008".Submissions are strongly encouraged from interdisciplinary backgrounds that address conservation and management issues from different angles, including - but not limited to - geography, environmental sciences, political science, biology, sociology, history, economics and law.
Protected Areas as Constructed Organizations, by H J E PennaFaculty of Economic Sciences/Universidad de Buenos Aires, Cordoba 2122/C1120 BUENOS AIRES AAQ/ARGENTINA. Mailing address: Espinosa 1963/C1416 BUENOS AIRES CEQ/ARGENTINA, e-m:"No political organization effectively exists to give the whole globe visibility, for unlike nation-states the earth has no external enemy. (164)". "The region, [...] is far too large to be known directly […] (159) […] "Regions, to the extent that they lack a solid political base, lack visibility" (163) (Tuan 1975)
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